WAKAYAMA Ken / NAGASAKI Gennosuke. Usagi to Zo no Oo-sama (The Rabbit and the Elephant King). Indo Dowa yori (After an India Fairy Tale). Tokyo: Kyouikugageki, Showa 42 (1967).
AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — 12 color plates (26.5 x 37.5 cm, complete), text in Japanese on reverse (furigana), original folder with flaps.
Condition — Good (2 corners of plate 1 cut; tears & wear to folder)
Review — A fine story in kamishibai, about albino rabbits having trouble with their larger elephant neighbours, by WAKAYAMA Ken (1930-2015), wonderfully illustrated by NAGASAKI Gennosuke (1924-2011).
Misc. — x

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