Aru Baikin no Issho (The Life of a Germ). Tokyo: Nihon Kyouiku Gageki Kabushikigaisha, Showa 17 (1942).
Description — 21 color plates (26.5 x 39 cm, complete), with one movable piece, text in Japanese on reverse (furigana), original paper folder with flaps.
Condition — x
Review — A amazing avant-garde educational kamishibai (paper theater) sponsored by the Ministry of Health, about germs (here specifically tuberculosis) and modern medicine in the early 1940s: infection, detection, prevention, treatment.. (population welfare being especially important in time of war too, we can suppose). It also reflects larger social changes (is featured a female midwife in Western clothing), introduces prevention devices still in use today (masks) and general recommended behavior towards any infected person. Very rare, even more so in good condition, and complete of its a movable piece.
Misc. — x

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