HATA Tsuneharu. Woodblock print: Rokkou (Rokko). Hanshin Meishou Zu-e 19 (Famous panoramas of the Hashin region, 19). Bunen-dou (Carver: 2daime Okura Hanbei / Printer: 2daime Nishimura Kumakichi), Taisho 5 (1916).
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Description — Color woodcut print on cream-colored hand-crafted paper (38 x 25.5 cm), artist's stamp in lower-right corner.
Condition — Good (back/reverse: browning in the center, that appears lightly on the obverse).
Review — A fine view of / from Mt. Rokko (Kobe, Hyogo pref.) into Kobe harbor, Osaka Bay and Awaji Island by the illustrator and print maker HATA Tsuneharu (1883-1944). While Mt. Rokko and the water are left almost colorless (light outline in light brown around the mountain) and the sky marked by a light white fading cloud (visible thanks to a printing done on cream-colored paper), it is the harbor, shores, moutains, island and horizon in the distance that inherit of the deep blue of the ocean: truly brilliant!
Misc. — This print is present in the collection of the Carnegie Museum of Art.

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