Asahi Camera 12/1950. Special International Photo Salon of Japan. Tokyo: Asahi Shimbun-sha, 1950.
Description — Small 4to (25.5 x 18 x 0.5 cm), 102-(8) p., pict. softcover.
Condition — x
Review — A fine issue of the monthly photo magazine Asahi Camera, with one color picture by OTAKE Shoji, and b&w pictures by KIMURA Ihei (front cover), INAMURA Takamasa, OTSUKA Gen, FUKUDA Katsuji, TAKASA Harumitsu, Edward WESTON..., focus on the winners of the Advertising Picture Contest (among which TANNO Akira), the Picture Contest by National Railroad Workers, the Asahi Camera Monthly Picture Contest, and mainly the International Photographic Salon of Japan (among the winners of which TABUCHI Yukio), and discussions with KIMURA Ihei, OTSUKA Gen, INA Nobuo and others.
Misc. — x

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