SUGITA Yutaka / KOBAYASHI Junichi, AESOP. Isoppu Douwa (Aesop's Fables). Tokyo: Kodansha (Kodansha no Ehon 27), Showa 54 (1979). 1st ed., 1st pr. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — 4to (26.5 x 21.5 x 1.5 cm), (32) cardboard p., pict. hardcover, color pictures (14 full-spread, 1 title page vignette, 1 cover illustration, 3 silhouettes, 1 spine illustration). Text in Japanese (furigana).
État / Condition — Good (light wear to cover, little red seals on one page).
Remarques & avis / Review — Seven of AESOP's Fables, adapted by KOBAYASHI Jun'ichi and wonderfully illustrated by SUGITA Yutaka in very colorful full spreads.
Divers / Misc. — Fables: Usagi to Kame (The Tortoise and the Hare), Kitakaze to o-Hi-sama (The North Wind and the Sun), Ushi to Kaeru (The Bull and the Frog), Tabibito to Kuma (The Bear and The Two Travelers), Ari to Kirigirisu (The Ant and the Grasshopper), Raion to Nezumi (The Lion and the Mouse), Kin no Ono Gin no Ono (The Gold Axe and the Silver Axe / The Honest Woodcutter).

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