KIMURA Ihei. Impression of Europe II / Yoroppa no Inshou: Kimura Ihei Dainikai Gaiyuu Shashinshuu (Photobook of Ihei Kimura's Second Travel in Europe). Tokyo: Asahi Shimbun-sha, 1956. 1st ed. & pr. — OUT OF STOCK
Description — 4to (31 x 22 x 2 cm), (10: text)-(104: pics)-23-(1: text) p., clothbound hardcover, pict. dj, slipcase, 18 color and 82 b&w pictures. Preface by TSUMURA Hideo. Layout by HARA Hiromu, Detailed Commentary, in Japanese; KIMURA Ihei's Note, captions and index, in English.
État / Condition — x
Remarques & avis / Review — Barely 6 months after his first journey to Europe (Impression of Europe, 1955), KIMURA Ihei was on the road again, pretextedly for the 1955 Helsinki World Assembly for Peace. This time, the collection of 100 pictures features scenes from Finland (Helsinki, street pics and the World Peace Summit), Poland (Warwaw, Youth Festival), Germany (Wetzlar, Frankfurt), Austria (Wien) and, for the second time, France (Paris). A classic.
Divers / Misc. — x

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