Asahi Camera Annual '68 / Asahi Camera Nenkan 1968-han. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbun-sha, 1968. — OUT OF STOCK
Description — 4to (29 x 21 x 2 cm), (8) p.-10 full-page/spread color pictures-(71) photogravured b&w pictures (mostly full spreads) in 57 series over (104) p.-(8) p. (ads)-(2)-42-(2) p. (text)-(16) p. (ads), clothbound hardcover, pict. dj.
État / Condition — x
Remarques & avis / Review — The superb 1968 Asahi Camera Annual issue, that includes 2 special themes (Youngsters of 1967, Mountains) in addition to the usual selection, with works by MORIYAMA Daido (3: his famous portraits of the dwarf actor Shimizu Isamu), TOMIYAMA Haruo (2), HOSOE Eikoh, NARAHARA Ikko, UEDA Shoji, TABUCHI Yukio (2), MIDORIKAWA Yoichi, KIMURA Ihei, SHINOYAMA Kishin, ICHIMURA Tetsuya, KATAGIRI Miki, etc. Spectacular gravure printing and deep, heavy blacks for the b&w part.
Divers / Misc. — x

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