MORI Sumio. Kojou no Mon (The Gates of the Old Castle). Ueda Koukou Kaichiku ni Yosete (The Rebuilding of Ueda High School). Ueda: Kojou no Mon Kankoukai, Showa 52 (1977). 1st and only edition. — OUT OF STOCK
Description — 4to (30 x 21 x 1.5 cm, 1.1 kg), 192-(2) pp., softcover, pict. dj (slipcase missing), approx. 130 b&w pictures.
État / Condition — x.
Remarques & avis / Review — The account of the destruction and rebuilding of Ueda High School (Hokkaido, Nagano Prefecture), that exists to this day, in about 130 fine, very contrasted, grainy b&w pictures by amateur photographer Sumio MORI. Foremost a beautiful portrait of an old building (a memorial and testimony of rebirth): students' graffitis, old wooden classrooms, urinals...
Divers / Misc. — x

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