Asahi Camera Nenkan / Annual 1962.. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbun-sha, Showa 37 (1962). — OUt OFSTOCK
Description — 4to (29 x 21.5 x 2 cm), hardcover, pict. dj, (6) p., 79 pictures or series of pictures (12 color + 67 gravure b&w), (2)-40(text)-(24: ads) p.
État / Condition — x
Remarques & avis / Review — 2 subcategories (Nudes, Landscapes) on the top of the fine selection of pictures by NARAHARA Ikko,OTAKE Shoji, WATANABE Yoshio, KIMURA Ihei (including one nude), AKIYAMA Shotaro, HAMAYA Hiroshi (color, cf. Nippon Retto), MIDORIKAWA Yoichi (color, cf. Setonaikai ’62), OTSUKA Gen, DOMON Ken, HOSOE Eikoh, NAKAMURA Rikko, NAKAMURA Masaya, etc. Rich gravure printing.
Divers / Misc. — x

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