Asahi Camera Nenkan / Annual 1956. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbun-sha, Showa 31 (1956). — OUT OF STOCK
Description — 4to (26 x 18.5 x 1.5 cm), hardcover, pict. dj, (2)-4(index) p., 10 color & 134 b&w pictures, 52(Japanese text)-(40: ads) p.
État / Condition — x
Remarques & avis / Review — A fine selection of pictures by KIMURA Ihei, FUKASE Masahisa (a nude dancer), WATANABE Yoshio, INAMURA Takamasa, OTSUKA Gen, SHIMADA Kinsuke, AKIYAMA Shotaro, MIKI Jun, DOMON Ken, HAMAYA Hiroshi, MIDORIKAWA Yoichi (Hotaru, cf. Setonaikai ’62), TABUCHI Yukio, etc.
Divers / Misc. — x

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