Asahi Camera Nenkan / Annual 1961. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbun-sha, Showa 36 (1961). — OUT OF STOCK
Description — 4to (29 x 21.5 x 2 cm), hardcover, pict. dj, (6) p., 65 pictures or series of pictures (10 color + 56 gravure b&w), (2)-24(text)-(16: ads)-25 to 39-(1)-(8: ads) p.
État / Condition — x
Remarques & avis / Review — This fine issue showcases TANAKA Tokutaro's Shirasagi (White Heron, 3 pics), NARAHARA Ikko's Seeds (4), TOMATSU Shomei's IE/Abode (8), DOMON Ken's Rumie to Sayuri / Coal Miner's Children (5, very much better printing than in any edition of the photobooks, cf. Chikuho no Kodomotachi, Rumie) and a special section of photos of babies (14), and presents the annual selection, by INA Nobuo and WATANABE Tsutomu, of pictures by MIDORIKAWA Yoichi, KIMURA Ihei, OTAKE Shoji, MIKI Jun, NAGANO Shigeichi (3: Police Commanders, Prime Minister, and a baby taking a bath), HAMAYA Hiroshi (Riots), UEDA Shoji, WATABE Yukichi, HOSOE Eikoh (4, cf. Man & Woman, & 1 of a baby), Masaya NAKAMURA, etc.
Divers / Misc. — x

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