MORIYAMA Daido. Kagero (Dayfly). Moriyama Hiromichi Nude Shashinshu (Nude Photobook by Moriyama). Tokyo: Haga Shoten, 1972. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — 8° (26 x 18.5 x 2 cm), (196) p., softcover, pict. slipcase, b&w pictures, (16) p. of central color pictures.
État / Condition — Fine (foxing on cover)
Remarques & avis / Review — Mostly dark monochrome (and a few bleak color) outdoors submission & bondage nudes by MORIYAMA Daido. Moriyama published numerous nude series in magazines, but this is his only nude photobook, supposedly made to cover the costs of his trip to the USA with YOKOO Tadanori. Interestingly, plump middle-aged women are also used as model (a tendency similar to Fukase's). Rope work by bondage legend DAN Oniroku (see also his work in SHINOYAMA's Encyclopedia of Bondage) and central positive pictures of the shooting by NISHIMURA Tamiko.
Divers / Misc. — Ref.: BERTOLOTTI, Livres de nu, p. 165.
Partly reprinted in folio-size in Kagero & Colors (2007)

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