MIDORIKAWA Yoichi / FAVROD Charles-Henri. Japon Japonais. Lausanne: La Guilde du Livre, 1959. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — 4to (28 x 22 x 1 cm), 102 p., + (32) p. half-width, inbound, illustrated text on blue paper, one fold-out. softcover, pict. dj, b&w photographs (photogravure). Text in French. Originally not for sale, 10 030 numbered copies printed for the members of La Guilde du Livre.
Condition — cf. Misc.
Review — A fine panorama of traditional Japan for the most part — Seto Inland Sea-scapes, fishermen, female divers, festivals, craftsmen and artists, industrialization —, with an essay in French. Features photos that would later appear in Setonaikai (1962) and remarkable portraits which are all too rare in MIDORIKAWA Yoichi's published volumes. Fine photogravure printing.
Misc. — Ref.: DESACHY / MANDERY, La Guilde du Livre, p.120-121.
Available copies:
1. MIDORIKAWA / FAVROD. Japon Japonais. Lausanne: La Guilde du Livre, 1959.
1st ed., 1st pr., softcover, originally not for sale.
2. MIDORIKAWA / FAVROD. Japon Japonais. Lausanne: Clairefontaine, 1959.
1st ed., 2nd pr., hardcover. 1st trade edition.
Condition — Fine (foxing on endpapers).
AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing

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