SUZUKI Risaku. Piles of Time. Kyoto: Korinsha, 1999. 1st ed. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — Oblong 4° (28 x 24 x 2 cm), 148 p., hardcover, dj, obi, color pictures. Postface, in English and Japanese, by MARSUDA Takako. Copy signed and dated by SUZUKI.
État / Condition — Fine (light wear to dj).
Remarques & avis / Review — In the wake and wise of Kumano, Piles of Time is a journey, in two series (Osorezan, Izanami), from populated open shores to deep mountain forests, into pilgrimage and shinto shrines, nevertheless barely visually evoked. Time condensed and diluted, glimpsed into: as if we were shown and allowed into (but by whom?) random moments within a determined interval, a slice of the life of someone who was undertaking, we guess, a meaningful journey, but the meaning of which we can never comprehend: possibly an attempt to grasp the sacred within the mundane. Great pictures, for the most part slightly over-exposed (one of SUZUKI Risaku's trademarks), until the darks of the heart of the forest. Piles of Time won the famous Kimura Ihei Award in 2000.
Divers / Misc. — x

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