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☞ The Photographic Prints, Posters & Postcards on one hand, and the Original Artworks, Drawings and Prints on the other, now have their own, especially dedicated pages! These sections had grown so vast that navigation was getting unpractical. Better now, we hope.

ARAKI Nobuyoshi. Jokosei Nise Nikki (1981)

ARAKI Nobuyoshi. Jokosei Nise Nikki (Pseudo-diary: High-shool Girls) Tokyo: Hachiyosha, 1981. First ed.OUT OF STOCK

Description — 8° (21 x 15 x 2 cm), 240 p., 500 g.
Pict. softcover, pict. dj, obi, color (bi-/tri-color: black, red, blue/green) and b&w photographs. Text in Japanese. Laid in : price tag, 1 small monochrome photographic print (112 x 77 mm) of the book cover.
Couv. souple ill., jaquette ill., bandeau éd., photographies coul. (bi/tricolores : noir, rouge, bleu/vert) et n&b. Texte en japonais. Inséré : tag de prix, 1 petit tirage photographique monochrome (112 x 77 mm) de la couv. du livre.

État / Condition — x

Remarques & avis / Review — The excellent, profusely illustrated Making-of of Nobuyoshi ARAKI's eponymous movie. Numerous photos of and around the movie, lots of fine portraits, and a most-welcomed 'retro' touch, thanks to willingly outdated layout of the beautiful photos printed in red & black. A personal favorite.

L'excellent Making-of, abondamment illustré, du film éponyme d'ARAKI Nobuyoshi. Nombre photos du et autour du film, beaucoup de bons portraits, et une touche "rétro" très bienvenue, grâce à la maquette volontairement vieillotte des superbes photos imprimées en rouge et noir. Un favori personnel.

Divers / Misc. — 'A record of ARAKI making the film — his "male virgin voyage' — of the same title (Nikkatsu, 1981).' (IIZAWA Kohtaro, ARAKI's Illustrated Bibliography, in déjà-vu #4: ARAKI Nobuyoshi (1991), p. 80)

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