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TERAYAMA Shuji / MORIYAMA Daido. Aa, Koya (1966)

TERAYAMA Shuji / MORIYAMA Daido. Aa, Koya (Ah, Wilderness). Tokyo: Gendai Hyoron-sha, 1966. E.O., AFFICHE. / First ed., POSTER.OUT OF STOCK

Description — In-8° (19 x 13 x 2.5 cm), 298 p., 450 g.
Hardcover, pict. dj, title p., 6 figures. Text in Japanese. Laid in: poster (49 x 35.5 cm, gravure b&w photo mozaic, map of Shinjuku on back).
Cartonné, jaquette ill., p. de titre, 6 vignettes. Texte en japonais. Inséré : affiche (49 x 35.5 cm, mosaïque photo n&b héliogravée, carte de Shinjuku au verso).

État / Condition — Fine (wear to dj edges).
Bon (bords de la jaquette frottés).

Remarques & avis / ReviewShuji TERAYAMA's Shinjuku, with Daido MORIYAMA's great early work mozaic poster.

Le Shinjuku de TERAYAMA Shuji, avec la superbe affiche mosaïquée et œuvre tostive de MORIYAMA Daido.

Divers / Misc. — The poster was reprinted in Moriyama's Shinjuku (2002) and Moriyama later gave a fully illustrated version of Terayama's Aa, Koya in 2005.

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