ARAKI Nobuyoshi. Ikonta Monogatari (Ikonta Story). Tokyo: Byakuya Shobo, 1981. First ed. & pr. — OUT OF STOCK
Description — in-4° (26.5 x 21.5 x 1 cm); (78) p., 550 g.
Hardcover, pict. dj, b&w photographs. Preface & Postface, in Japanese.
Cartonnage, jaquette ill., photographies n&b. Préface & postface, en japonais.
État / Condition — x
Remarques & avis / Review — 6x6 positives of photos taken by Nobuyoshi ARAKI in 1980-81 with an Ikonta camera — Yoko, nude & bondage sessions, Shinjuku nightclubs & nightlife, Tokyo streets, male & female portraits — published as such, raw (3x4 pics per page) and finely printed on black paper. A great work and a personal favorite.
Positifs 6x6 de photos prises par ARAKI Nobuyoshi en 1980-81 avec un appareil Ikonta — Yoko, sessions de nu et de bondage, la vie nocturne et les nightclubs de Shinjuku, rues de Tokyo, portraits masculins & féminins — publiés tels quels, bruts (3x4 photos par page) et excellemment imprimés sur papier noir. Un superbe ouvrage et favori personnel.
Divers / Misc. — "Photos taken with an Ikonta from his father collection." (IIZAWA Kohtaro, ARAKI's Illustrated Bibliography, in déjà-vu #4 : ARAKI Nobuyoshi (1991), p.80)

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