FUKUDA Katsuji. Iro to Hikari no Geijutsu (The Art of Light and Color). Tokyo : Ondori-sha, Showa 26 (1951). 1st ed., 1st pr. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — In-4° (26 x 19 x 1 cm), (66) p., 400 g.
Hardcover, pict. dj, 48 color and b&w pictures. Postface in Japanese.
Cartonné, jaquette ill., 48 photographies coul. et n&b. Postface en japonais.
État / Condition — 2nd pr. (1954). Good (damage to dj, red ink on lower edge).
Remarques & avis / Review — One of Katsuji FUKUDA's postwar marvels of color & monochrome nude photographs. Advanced avant-garde color experiments in lightling, framing and composition. Entails a great series of still-lifes depicting faces and bodies, which would inspire ARAKI for his own. A superb, highly collectable photobook.
L'une des merveilles de photographies de nu couleur et monochrome de FUKUDA Katsuji. Expérimentations couleur d'avant-garde en éclairage, cadrage et composition. Inclut une impressionnate série de natures mortes représentant visages et corps, qui inspireront ARAKI pour les siennes. Un superbe livre de photographies de collection.
Divers / Misc. — Color fixation wasn't top-notch at the time: all copies suffer from some ink transfer. 2nd printing in Showa 29 (1954).

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