MIDORIKAWA Yoichi. Setonaikai / The Inland Sea. Tokyo: Kokusai Joho-sha, 1978. E.O. / First ed. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — Folio (44 x 30,5 x 5 cm), (156) p., 2.9 kg.
Cloth binding, blue cloth slipcase, cardboard box, transportation box, 69 color pictures (glossy). Texts by Hiroyuki AGAWA, Shinji FUJIWARA, Yukio TOGAWA, Tsuneichi MIYAMOTO, Donald RICHIE, Magoichi KUSHIDA, Captions & Notes, in both English and Japanese; Afterword by Yoichi MIDORIKAWA, in Japanese.Laid in: 4 color pictures (36,5 x 25,5 cm) in yellow envelop, one presentation leaflet.
État / Condition — Excellent (defects to transportation box).
Excellent (défauts à la boîte de transport).
Remarques & avis / Review — A large-sized volume of fine color photographs of Japan's Inland Sea by Yoichi MIDORIKAWA, and a marvel and variety of seascapes (including harbors, that appear rarely in Midorikawa's works), which sum up pretty well as to why Midorikawa was also called the "magician of light and color".
Un grand volume de superbes photographies de la mer intérieure du Japon par MIDORIKAWA Yoichi — une merveille de paysages marins (y compris des ports, sujet plutôt rare dans l'œuvre de Midorikawa), qui résume assez bien la raison pour laquelle Midorikawa est également nommé le "magicien de la lumière et de la couleur".
Divers / Misc. — x

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