Recent acquisitions
☞ The Photographic Prints, Posters & Postcards on one hand, and the Original Artworks, Drawings and Prints on the other, now have their own, especially dedicated pages! These sections had grown so vast that navigation was getting unpractical. Better now, we hope.

MORIYAMA Daido. Shashin Yo Sayonara / Farewell Photography (2006)

MORIYAMA Daido. Shashin Yo Sayonara / Farewell Photography. New edition. Tokyo: Powershovel Books, 2006. First edition thus, first printing. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing

Description — 4° (29,5 x 23 x 2 cm), (276) p., 1.5 kg.
Broché, jaquette, couv. souple, étui, photographies n&b pleine page.
Softcover, dj, slipcase, full-page b&w pictures.

État / Condition — MINT COPY.

Remarques & avis / Review — LE livre qui bouleversa la conception même de la photographie, et indéniablement l'œuvre la plus radicale et marquante de MORIYAMA Daido, originellement parue en 1972 et extrêmement recherchée. Cette superbe succession de photos et positifs urbains erratiques en noir et blanc, flous, rayés, à gros grain est ici retirée à partir de l'originale (pour laquelle aucun négatif n'existe), retravaillée, sans aucun texte, en un volume élégant et bien fini en plus grand format.

THE book that dramatically changed the conception of photography and unmistakably the most radical and impressive work of Daido MORIYAMA, originally published in 1972 and highly sought-after. This superb succession of erratic black and white urban photographs and positives, grainy, blurred, scratched, is here republished after the original (for which there is no negative), revised, without text, in an elegant and finely-crafted larger-sized volume.

Divers / Misc. — x

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