ARAKI Nobuyoshi. Sentimental na Tabi: Fuyu no Tabi (A Sentimental Journey: A Winter's Journey). Tokyo: Shincho-sha, 1991. 1st ed. — AVAILABLE: cf. Divers / Misc.
Description — Oblong in-4° (19,5 x 27 x 2 cm), (124) p., 800 g.
Clothbound hardcover, pict. slipcase,, b&w pictures. Foreword & captions in Japanese.
Reliure toile, étui ill., photographies n&b. Préface & légendes en japonais.
État / Condition — Cf. Divers / Misc.
Remarques & avis / Review — One of the most taking, touching and beautiful photobooks by Nobuyoshi ARAKI, that retraces the beginning and the end of his wife Yoko who died in 1990. Splendid funeral oration and tough recording of reality, and cause of his falling out with Kishin SHINOYAMA — Araki truthful to his conception of photography. An important work.
L'un des volumes d'ARAKI Nobuyoshi les plus prenants, les plus touchants et les plus beaux, qui retrace le début et la fin de sa femme Yoko, morte en 1990. Splendide éloge funèbre et terrible enregistrement du réel, qui le brouilla avec SHINOYAMA Kishin — Araki fidèle à sa conception de la photographie. Un ouvrage important.
Divers / Misc. — Available copies / Exemplaires disponibles :
1. ARAKI Nobuyoshi. Sentimental na Tabi : Fuyu no Tabi (1991)
E.O., 1er tir. / 1st ed. & pr.
État / Condition : x
2. ARAKI Nobuyoshi. Sentimental na Tabi : Fuyu no Tabi (1993)
5th printing / 5e tirage
État / Condition : VG / TB.
AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
"A memorial volume to Yoko, it opens with some photos from the first Sentimental Journey, and includes photos of Yoko in the hospital and of her funeral. Wistful commentary by Araki. It closes joyously with a photo of Chiro [their cat] walking briskly in the snow." (IIZAWA Kohtaro, ARAKI's Illustrated Bibliography, in déjà-vu #4 : ARAKI Nobuyoshi (1991), p.90)

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