ISHIUCHI Miyako. Scars. Tokyo: Sokyu-sha, 2005. First ed. & pr., SIGNED. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — In-4° (28 x 23 x 1,5 cm), (118) p., 950 g.
Reliure toile violette, photographies n&b. Légendes, biblio-biographie, "Scars" par KUSUMOTO Aki, bilingue anglais-japonais.
Purple cloth binding, b&w pictures. Captions, biblio-biography, "Scars" by Aki KUSUMOTO, both in English & Japanese.
État / Condition — Cf. Divers / Misc.
Remarques & avis / Review — Scars (Cicatrices) fait partie de la série d'ISHIUCHI Miyako sur le corps humain, son histoire, sa beauté et ses marques: un livre splendide et fascinant, bien fini, aux clichés aux gris très doux. Exemplaire signé.
Scars is part of Miyako ISHIUCHI's series on the human body, its (hi)story, its beauty and its marks: a fascinating book, very well-done and very finely crafted, with pictures of very soft greys. Signed copy.
Divers / Misc. — Available copies / Exemplaires disponibles :
1.1. ISHIUCHI Miyako. Scars (2005)
E.O., 1er tir., SIGNÉ / 1st ed. & pr., SIGNED.
Copy signed by Miyako ISHIUCHI (marker, silver ink). / Exemplaire signé par ISHIUCHI Miyako (marqueur, encre argentée).
État / Condition : Excellent.
AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
1.2. ISHIUCHI Miyako. Scars (2005)
E.O., 1er tir., SIGNÉ / 1st ed. & pr., SIGNED.
Boldly signed & dated '2005' by Miyako ISHIUCHI on front cover (marker, black ink / cf. last pic below). / Largement signé et daté "2005" par ISHIUCHI Miyako sur premier plat (marqueur, encre noire / voir dern. image ci-dessous).
État / Condition : Excellent.
AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
1.3. ISHIUCHI Miyako. Scars (2005)
E.O., 1er tir. / 1st ed. & pr.
État / Condition : Excellent.
AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing

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