KOBAYASHI Shinichiro. Tokyo Bay Side. Tokyo: Recycle Bunkasha / Seiun-sha, 1991. First edition & printing. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — Square in-4° carré (25 x 27 x 1 cm), (124) p., 600 g.
Pict. softcover, color pictures. Text in Japanese.
Couv. souple ill., photographies coul. Texte en japonais.
État / Condition — VG / TB.
Remarques & avis / Review — Tokyo Bay Side is the much-noticed and excellent first opus of the talented Shinichiro KOBAYASHI, who strolls here through Tokyo's industrial and port zone, its factories, warehouses and empty streets. Enticing.
Tokyo Bay Side est le premier et excellent opus, fort remarqué, du talentueux KOBAYASHI Shinichiro, qui parcourt ici la zone industrielle et portuaire de Tokyo, ses usines, entrepôts et rues vides. Fascinant.
Divers / Misc. — x

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