MORIYAMA Daido / TERAYAMA Shuji. Aa, Koya (Ah, Wilderness). Tokyo: Parco Publishing, 2005. First edition thus, first printing, SIGNED. — OUT OF STOCK
Description — Thick / Fort in-8° (19 x 14 x 4,5 cm), 700 p., 750 g.
Pict. hardcover & dj, b&w pictures (ca. 350). Text in Japanese. Copy signed by Daido MORIYAMA (silver ink, felt-tip pen).
Cartonnage & jaquette illustrés, photographies n&b (env. 350). Texte en japonais. Exemplaire signé par MORIYAMA Daido (feutre, encre argentée).
État / Condition — x
Remarques & avis / Review — Daido MORIYAMA here profusely illustrates Aa, Koya, a novel for which he had then designed cover & poster, by the prolific and avant-garde Japanese writer, director, journalist and photographer Shuji TERAYAMA (1935-1983) — a fine depiction of Shinjuku, in more than 300 photographs, in a well-crafted volume.
MORIYAMA Daido illustre ici d'abondance Aa, Koya, un roman dont il avait alors réalisé couverture et affiche, du prolifique écrivain, réalisateur, journaliste et photographe japonais d'avant-garde TERAYAMA Shuji (1935-1983) — un excellent aperçu du Shinjuku, en plus de 300 photographies, dans un volume bien fini.
Divers / Misc. — See the first AA, Koya (1966, cover pics and gravured poster by Moriyama).
The publisher Parco Shuppan is no more in activity and the book won't ever be reprinted in this form.
New edition of the pictures only in 2017 (Kadokawa).

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