ICHIMURA Tetsuya / HOSOE Eikoh / OKURA Shunji. Eros' Chat: Onna (Women) Tokyo: Mainichi-shimbun-sha (Camera Mainichi - Mainichi Graphic), 1969. First edition thus, first pr. — OUT OF STOCK
Description — 4° (28 x 21 x 1 cm), 108 p., 350 g.
Softcover, color and b&w pictures.
Couv. souple, photographies coul. et n&b.
État / Condition — See STOCKLIST
Remarques & avis / Review — Excellent publication from the late 1960s, that gathers around the theme of the female nude three young and bold Japanese photographers: Eikoh HOSOE, Shunji OKURA and Tetsuya ICHIMURA.
Excellente publication de la fin des années 1960, rassemblant sur un thème porteur — le nu féminin intimiste — trois photographes japonais jeunes et audacieux: HOSOE Eikoh, OKURA Shunji et ICHIMURA Tetsuya.
Divers / Misc. — Table of contents :
Eyes for Eros
Otoko to Onna... Soshite (Man and Woman... And)
(ITO Ippei: Nude Shashin 100 Nen)
OKURA Shunji
Onna no Heya (A Woman's Room)
REF.: History of Japanese Contemporary Photography 1945-1970 (1975), '60

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