KIMURA Ihei / INA Nobuo / YOSHIOKA Senzo / AKIYAMA Seiji / NAKAMURA Rikko. Jinbutsu Shashin (Portrait Photography / Le portrait en photographie). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbun-sha (Asahi Camera Kyoshitsu 1), Showa 34 (1959). — AVAILABLE as part of the 6-vol. set Asahi Camera Masterclass Series (6 vol. / 1959-1960)
Description — 8° (23,5 x 19 x 1 cm), 188 p., 500 g.
Publisher's cloth binding, pict. slipcase, 16 frontispieces (4 color / 12 b&w), b&w pictures. Text in Japanese.
Reliure éditeur, étui ill., 16 frontispices (4 coul. / 12 n&b), photographies n&b. Texte en japonais.
État / Condition — x
Remarques & avis / Review — A great, late 1950s, profusely illustrated, didactic volume dedicated to portrait photography, with texts and pictures by the Japanese master photographers and photography critics of the time: INA Nobuo, Ihei KIMURA, Senzo YOSHIOKA, Seiji AKIYAMA and Rikko NAKAMURA. Uncommon.
Un excellent didactique de la fin des années 1950 dédié à la photographie de portrait, abondamment illustré, avec textes et photos des maîtres photographes et critiques photographique japonais de l'époque : INA Nobuo, KIMURA Ihei, YOSHIOKA Senzo, AKIYAMA Seiji et NAKAMURA Rikko. Peu courant.
Divers / Misc. — Table of Contents / À la table :
Frontispieces :
KIMURA Ihei (5) / YOSHIOKA Senzo (5) / AKIYAMA Seiji (1) / NAKAMURA Rikko (5)
INA Nobuo — Jinbutsu Shashin to ha (What is Portrait Photography)
KIMURA Ihei — Jinbutsu Shashin no Torikata (How to Shoot Portraits)
YOSHIOKA Senzo — Katei Shashin no Torikata (How to Shoot Family Pictures)
AKIYAMA Seiji — Camera Saijiki (Photography and the Months of the Year)
NAKAMURA Rikko — Josei Shashin no Torikata (How to Shoot Women) : Portrait / Nude
See also / Voir aussi :
Asahi Camera Masterclass Series (6 vol. / 1959-1960)
1. KIMURA Ihei / INA Nobuo / YOSHIOKA Senzo / AKIYAMA Seiji / NAKAMURA Rikko. Portrait Photography (1959)
2. INA Nobuo / KIMURA Ihei / WATANABE Yoshio.. Lens and Camera (1959)
3. SASAI Akira / KANO Yu. Sensitized Materials & Photo Enlargement (1959)
4. KIMURA Ihei. Color Photography (1959)
5. WATANABE Yoshio / SHIMADA Kinsuke / OTSUKA Gen. Landscape Photography (1960)
6. KANAMARU Shigeru / TAMURA Sakae / WATANABE Tsutomu. Commercial Photography (1960)

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