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☞ The Photographic Prints, Posters & Postcards on one hand, and the Original Artworks, Drawings and Prints on the other, now have their own, especially dedicated pages! These sections had grown so vast that navigation was getting unpractical. Better now, we hope.

SHINOYAMA Kishin. Nude (1970)

SHINOYAMA Kishin. Portfolio : Nude. Tokyo : Mainichi-shinbun (Camera Mainichi & The Mainichi Graphic), 1970. Softcover. First edition & printing.AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing

Description — In-folio (36 x 26 x 0,5 cm), (104) p., 600 g.
Broché, photographies coul. et n&b. Texte en japonais ; Biographie et texte de fin par SAKATOMO Banri, également en anglais.
Softcover, color and b&w pictures. Text in Japanese; Biography & Ending text by Banri SAKATOMO, also in English.

État / Conditionsee STOCKLIST

Remarques & avis / ReviewSHINOYAMA Kishin's 28 Girls (1968)'s successful successor: a great variety of themes, subjects and techniques, artfully used, and some grand nude photography. Lots of shots here count still among his best and most famous. A personal favorite. Fragile: rather uncommon in fine condition (large-sized softcover...).

Divers / Misc. — Table of Contents :

Death Valley
Brown Lily
Maki and Sinatra
Tokyo Fairy

Hardcover edition with dj, published one month after the softcover: SHINOYAMA Kishin. Nude (hardcover / 1970)

Ref.: KANEKO VARTANIAN, Japanese Photobooks, 102-107
History of Japanese Contemporary Photography 1945-1970 (1975), '69-'70, Nude

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